Monthly Archives: November 2023

Seeds of the 2024 CSA Season!

As in the last couple years, seed companies are getting their catalogues ready early and seeds are selling out! I’ve already placed one order and am getting ready for the next. It would be very helpful if members are able to put down at least a partial payment for the coming year.
The base share price is going to go up a hair for the main season: the small share will be $425, the medium $650, and the large $900.
The Spring share price will remain the same at $150, however there will be a slight change in that there will only be 5 distribution weeks instead of 6. This is because we learned that if I would be still harvesting greens from the greenhouse the last week in May I won’t have adequate time to prepare them for summer as well as get all the outside planting done.
The voluntary capital contribution of up to $100 is also appreciated if you are able. This past year the capital went towards mulch that was purchased for moisture retention, soil building, and weed control (see picture below).
As in other years shares are only open at this point for those who have had a share in the past. If the CSA doesn’t fill up, I will open it up to others.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Eggs and Winter CSA schedule

Here are the planned dates for Winter pick-ups. It will only change if there’s a snow storm and then I’ll update it.

November 3, 17
December 1, 15, 29
January 5, 19
February 2, 16
March 1 (maybe, depending on how much we have left)

For egg customers: Now that’s it’s been two weeks since the last pick-up the eggs are piling. Most of you who got one dozen last time will be able to get two doz this time if you want. Production will depend a lot on temperatures, so I suspect it will go down as winter really settles in. If you need to know if you’ll get one or two just ask a day or so before.

Roots of Sacred Agriculture: monthly course/gathering

Several people requested a follow up to the Seven Sacred Tasks of Agriculture event we had at the farm this summer.  I wanted to see who might be interested in gathering one evening a month through the winter to explore our connection to the Earth, plants, animals, and minerals.  I would be presenting out of my experience working with the spirit behind nature, so would ask for donations, but it is also meant to be conversation and sharing as well.  I’m thinking one evening in December, January, February and March.  Please contact me at if you’re interested and I can send you more details and we’ll find a time that can work for the most people.